Friday, August 27, 2010

A short visit

The wife and I took a two night trip up this week without the kids. We did relax but also did some exploring and met with our forester. He's going to draw up a management plan for us that will be submitted to the state. This will reduce our taxes significantly.
Now that the pop-up is up there permanently it's easier for us. We got a little rain (OK a lot of rain) on the second night but still had a very relaxing time. No wildlife sightings but much sign. Hunting season's coming!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Met with a state forester last week and walked the property. They gave me some great info on the trees on my property. It is all hardwood, predominately Beech, Sugar Maple and Red Oak. I'll have enough firewood for the rest of my life! Next step, get a mini-excavator in there to start clearing the site for the cabin and grade off the road a little. I also want to clear some walking trails through the property.